Based on the globally acclaimed Italian series, Doc — Nelle tue mani, which featured Simona Tabasco and Beatrice Grannò of The White Lotus, FOX’s Doc is a new medical drama starring Molly Parker (House Of Cards) as the hard-charging, brilliant Dr. Amy Larsen, Chief of Internal and Family Medicine at Westside Hospital in Minneapolis.

After a brain injury erases the last eight years of her life, Amy must navigate an unfamiliar world where she has no recollection of patients she’s treated, colleagues she’s crossed, the soulmate she divorced, the man she now loves and the tragedy that caused her to push everyone away. She can rely only on her estranged 17-year-old daughter, whom she remembers as a 9-year-old, and a handful of devoted friends, as she struggles to continue practicing medicine, despite having lost nearly a decade of knowledge and experience.

The series also stars Omar Metwally (Big SkyLisey’s Story), Amirah Vann (A Jazzman’s BluesHow To Get Away With Murder), Jon Ecker (The Watchful EyeFirefly Lane) and Anya Banerjee (The Blacklist). Scott Wolf (Nancy DrewParty of Five) and Patrick Walker (Lessons In Chemistry) will recur in featured roles. 

Scheduled: Fall 2024